Upcoming Classes and Events
Shabbat Unplugged: The Power and Purpose of Shabbat
11.21 12:00-1:00PM
In a fast-paced world, Shabbat offers us the gift of slowing down and reconnecting. This class invites you to rediscover the purpose and beauty of Shabbat, focusing on how setting aside one sacred day each week refreshes the soul and renews our sense of purpose.
Shabbat Simplified: Building a Meaningful Shabbat
12.09 12:00-1:00PM
Whether you're new to Shabbat observance or looking to deepen your practice, this class will guide you through the fundamentals of structuring a meaningful Shabbat experience. We’ll cover the basics, address common misconceptions, and offer practical insights to make Shabbat meaningful to you. Transform your week with the fun, family-bonding sanctuary of Shabbat.